Hannah Arendt Project 2003-2005

The Arendt Project is comprised of a series of nineteen works portraying the image of the Jewish-German thinker Hannah Arendt (1906-1975). The initial motivation for the series came after reading her book “Eichmann in Jerusalem, a Report on the Banality of Evil” and finding great interest in her life, image and writings.

The works focus on her personality and on the way her visual image and her life mirror the turmoil of an intellectual Jew who lived in Europe in the first half of the twentieth century. The series creates a dialogue between her portraits and conceptual representations of her world.

The series includes nineteen works all created with techniques of electric pen, processed drawing and oil colors.

The exhibition was presented first in October 2005 at the “Jewish Museum of Frankfurt”, and later in the “Heinrich Böll Foundation Gallery” in Bremen and in the “Hannah Arendt Zentrum” in Oldenburg. The exhibition drew attention and wide publicity and was regarded favorably by the critics.

In October 2006, Arendt’s 100th birthday was commemorated around the world. The Arendt Project was presented in the Jerusalem Artist’s House and was supported by Heinrich Böll Foundation in Israel and by the Goethe Institute. The catalogue accompanying the exhibit includes texts by Tali Tamir, Michal Ben-Naftali and Eric Riedel, the exhibit’s curator in Frankfurt.