Shy Abady, Back to the Levant, Said Abu Shakra, catalog’s text, November 2024

Dear Friends, How can we express ourselves and discuss the role of art in times like these, times of war, when optimism fades, when the utopia of multiculturalism has become an empty cliche? Should we address the fear that pervades our hearts? Or perhaps the flicker of light that glimmers from the darkness? In these difficult times, I have doubts about my ability to continue on the path that I set out with my own hands, a path that invites multicultural discussion and dialogue. But I must give thanks that this path is mine, and I do not know any other path by which to live. In this period...

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Tali Tamir, “Ana Yehudi”: Shy Abady Goes Back to the Levant, November 2024

To the Donkey’s Cry, an article by Prof. Galili Shahar and 14 Images from the series “Paul Celan – The Burning Heat and the Donkey’s Scream”, in the book, “Caesurae”, Wallstein Publishing House, Germany, June 2024

Shira Friedman, A Boomerang on Breath-Routes, Text. March, 2014

To the text in the catalog (English)

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Shy and the Figures, Contemporary Historic Painting, A lecture by art historian, Tali Tamir, January 2023 (English subtitles)

Link to the lecture

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The Online catalog of the exhibition, “Marcuse, Pontormo and Me” with texts by Avi Lubin and Shy Abady, Januery 2023

Link to the online catalog

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The Catalog of the “Paul Celan/69/A Visit”, with Texts of Galili Shahar and Dialog between the participants artists

The link To The Catalog

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Sabra, Shira Friedman, April 2021

Shy Abady overturns the familiar plot of Moshe Shamir’s novel "He Walked Through the Fields", integrating into the familiar narrative a turn in the plot that stems from Abady’s own politics of identity – as a Sabra, a Jew, an Israeli, a Syrian, an Egyptian and an Arab. The exhibition features five paintings from the series “Back to the Levant” The figures recurring in these paintings are based on portraits of Assi Dayan and Iris Yotvat, who starred in the film made after Shamir’s book. First published in1947, the novel quickly became a cornerstone of modern Israeli mythology. The plot...

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Two portraits of Hannah Arendt in an article of Yosefa Lushitzki in the american journal “Camera Obscura”, September 2019

“The Restless”, a film by Roni Kaufman, includes interview with the curator Shira Friedman, May 2017

"The Restless", a film by Roni Kaufman about Shy Abady's exhibition, (English Subtitles), May 2017

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